Wednesday, April 18, 2012


To say the new year has been busy with many surprises is an understatement.  I haven't kept up on the blog intentionally, as I just haven't had the energy to do so.  I honestly thought I might stop doing it, and with Parker's birthday on the last day of the year, thought I was at a good stopping point, but I get asked all the time from family why I haven't here it goes.

We've had snow storms, KU basketball, soccer practice and games for both girls, who are now playing for different leagues, which is proving to be interesting on some weekends.  Brecken is enjoying being on a team and actually playing games.  She scored a goal in her first game a few weekends ago.  Parker's team plays on Saturdays and Sundays and she is getting more aggressive and confident in her playing ability.  She's actually trying, which is a huge step for her.  We've also had Easter egg hunts, and Easter celebrations.

Oh, and we're also having another baby.  I'm 23 weeks and this is my first attempt at a pregnancy picture for baby #3.  If that wasn't a surprise enough (trust me it was) we found out we're having a boy!  We didn't think Howell boys had boys, so this was a huge surprise too.  The girls are thrilled, Chris and I are finally coming around and daddy's Lego's from his childhood have appeared at our house. 

That's been our 2012 so far!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Parker

Yesterday was Parker's 6th Birthday!  The week between Christmas and New Year's is always busy but fun.  Daddy was able to take the whole week off and spend it with us.  We've had plenty of time to play with the new toys from Christmas, and get a little organized before moving on to the next celebration.  Parker had a few friends over on Thursday for a play date/birthday party.  The girls made bracelets and had cupcakes before running around wild having fun! 

The actual birthday day, we had family over for lunch to celebrate allowing everyone plenty of time to get home to celebrate New Years.  We had dinner at Freddy's at Parker's request, and the girls had a fun impromptu slumber party at grandma's while Chris and I got to spend some quiet time at home, and were in bed by 11!

Celebrating birthdays are always fun, and as I say every year with each of my girls, I can't believe my first born is 6 years old.  She's such a big girl now with her own opinions, way of doing things, and big attitude to go with it.  While this age brings personality traits that are hard to get used to some times as her mommy, she's also so sweet with her sister, incredibly smart, and has a beautiful smile, when you can get one out of her!  She's sensitive, inquisitive and every day that we're challenged by her i'm more impressed with her and proud of her! 

Happy Birthday Sweet 6 year old!  I can't wait to see what this next year brings for you!