Thursday, September 15, 2011


For those that know Brecken well, you know that she LOVES to wear her dancing clothes, and "practice" her dancing for you.  She does this on a daily basis.  She has a few different "dancing outfits" that she rotates, sometimes multiple times a day.  She takes them with her to grandma's and insisted on Nana getting one for her house, which she puts on each and every time she goes over.

What can I say, this girl LOVES dancing!

Which is why I finally signed her up for dance classes. She started today, and was so excited!  I think she's gonna love this too.  I'm so excited, she's excited!

Brecken with her teacher Mrs. Kelcy

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Latin Table Blessing

To say that I'm impressed with Parker's school, is an understatement.  I love to see/hear what she is learning each day in school.  This totally validates our decision was the right one.  So excited to see what the rest of the year brings!

Benedic, Domine, nos
et haec tua dona
quae de tua largitate
sumus sumpturi.
Per Christum Dominum nostrum.  Amen.

Bless us, O Lord,
and these thy gifts
which from Thy bounty
we are about to receive
through Jesus Christ,
our Lord.  Amen

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It's My Turn

Brecken was so excited about going back to school today!  When Nana rang the door bell, Brecken ran to her usual spot on the steps to wait, and shouted, "it's my turn, it's my turn"! 

Brecken with her teacher Mrs. Joni

My friend Stephanie and I took the girls to lunch afterwards to celebrate the first day of school!  The girls had a great day!

Brecken and her friend Beatrice

Friday, September 2, 2011


Since Parker's been in school Brecken's quiet time has been moved to the basement.  She's done really well entertaining herself while I get things done, or have some down time of peace & quiet.  Today though, she decided to be a monkey, which did not work in her favor at all.  She came upstairs crying while I was on the phone with the school and I dismissed her at first.  She finally got my attention, and I quickly got off the phone.  Apparently, she decided it would be a good idea to hang on the door of the dresser that the dress up clothes are in..of course, it came down on her, and hit her in the nose...thankfully she was able to push it back up (it's not super heavy as it has only a few dress up clothes which weigh next to nothing) and let's just say it totally scared her!  We put ice on it and talked about how that was a really bad idea, and that I'm SO THANKFUL that nothing worse happened.

You can bet she'll never do that again!

Here's to starting preschool with a banged up nose:)