Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Weekend

We had a very busy but fun weekend. Most notably on Sunday we decided to have a few friends over for a BBQ and didn’t realize that the kids would be our entertainment for the evening. We had a full day of playing outside, swimming, and entertaining! The pictures below are of the kids. After splashing around with the water table, making the small slide a water slide, chalk in the water table, and then chalk all over Brecken! Yes, the kids were busy. They all ended up in baths, and to bed a wee bit late. To top it all off, Parker woke up with a tummy ache, and then threw up all over the new bathroom…It was an anything goes day, and the kids LOVED it…with the exception of the last part. Enjoy the pictures.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Random Story

This is so very random, but I had to share, because it is such a neat way of how God works in our lives! So, like most women out there, I have to have my eyebrows plucked, If I could see well enough, I would do it myself, but I don't, so I go to a lady named Tonia. Since I quit driving, getting there has been a challenge, so I decided I would let my hair lady do it at the same time I have my hair done...well tomorrow was supposed to be my hair appt. but it's ended up being a really busy day, and as it turns out, I don't need it done yet. (yea for me, as I can save a bit of money!) So this week, I was trying to figure out how to get over to Tonia..the girls here at work have been giving me a hard time and letting me know it's time...(I told you this is a random story)..Then out of the blue, I received a phone call from a girlfriend of mine asking me if I still go to Tonia, and if I wanted her to schedule a time for me, and she would pick me up, we could both have them done, and have lunch at a fun restaurant near by.....how random is that! I hung up the phone and immediately thanked God for helping me out! Cool Huh! Now it's going to be our monthly lunch get together! Thank you SO MUCH Amiee!

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Convertible Fun

This morning we had a great ride in Nana's car. We had the top down and the girls LOVED it! Brecken was too funny, and immediately put her hands up in the air as if she was riding a roller coaster. Parker followed suit, and the girls just laughed and laughed the whole ride.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Our New Normal

Lately I’ve had several people ask me how things are going….I would be lying if I said everything is perfect….Most days are great though, but I DO have moments where I have a pity party for myself…I’m human right…I’ve had a few of those days in the last month or so, because you know what…it does completely suck that I can’t drive anymore….I do miss driving, and I have secretly thought about taking the car out although I haven’t done it, I promise! Chris and I are talking more about selling the car, which I’m in complete agreement on, but I know that day will be hard. This past weekend we were able to put the car seats in my mom’s 2-door convertible, and we’re going to try that for a while to make sure it works and everyone is comfortable. I’ll post a picture of the girls in it soon, as they LOVE going in Nana’s car! I have a Dr’s appointment next Friday, which shouldn’t be too eventful, but I do have more questions for the new dr. so I’m anxious to meet with him again. All in all we’ve settled in to our new normal, and I can’t complain because it has gone really smoothly!

Monday, May 11, 2009

First Haircut

Brecken got her first hair cut last week. It wasn't much, but definitely needed. She did great, but was very serious..no smiles out of her for this at all as I don't think she quite knew what she thought about it!
And here she is at home afterwards...I know you can't tell, but it looks great!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mom's Night at School

Parker's school had a mom's night last night for Mother's Day. Parker and I spent time dancing, eating cupcakes, and participating in several craft projects. We had a great night!

Also yesterday morning, Brecken decided she wanted to eat her Cheerios all by herself. Here are a few pictures of her being the big girl that she is, and Parker trying to help too! Since she was already dressed I put a towel around her so that her clothes didn't get dirty..we've put all the bibs away, but maybe I need to bring them back out...

Monday, May 4, 2009

A Busy Week

Last week was a super busy week with my birthday, Brecken’s 18-month check up, and a fun girls weekend. We were able to spend time with my family, and Chris’s family and friends on separate nights for dinner to celebrate my 32nd birthday..I had several friends mention that I am definitely in my mid 30’s now…Parker thinks I’m old…if she thinks I’m old, wait till she finds out Chris will be 34 in a couple of months!! Parker was so cute in singing “happy birthday to my mommy” all day and a few days after and she was very proud of the Mickey Mouse birthday card she picked out for me! She loved that my birthday was several days in a row!

On Wednesday Nana and I took Brecken for her well baby check up. She now weighs 20.3 pounds! She can officially be forward facing in her car seat…even though she’s been that way for months! She’s in the 3rd percentile for her weight, and the 11th percentile for her height! I’m not usually hung up on the percentages at all; I just think its funny how small she is for an 18 month old, and I'm glad that she's finally on the charts! All in all she’s healthy, and happy and right on target and even ahead a bit on her language according to the PA we saw, so I’m not worried! We did how ever find out that she is borderline anemic, so we’ll be buying some supplements for her at the store this weekend. I would love to say that we could get her to eat more vegetables with iron in it, but in reality, I know that is unrealistic…we’re lucky for her to eat 1 really good meal in a day, and SO THANKFUL that she eats well for Judy! Actually she eats breakfast great for us, just not dinner…aghhhh…

On Friday morning, my mom, sister in law Heather and I headed out VERY early for a girls weekend in KC. We picked up my aunt and met my cousin for 2 days of shopping till we dropped! It was fun to get away for a couple of days and with birthday money burning a hole in my pocket, it made for a very fun weekend!
We didn’t go for my birthday, it was just coincidence that we planned it following my birthday. Years ago, my grandmother planned our first girls trip. All the girls in the family got together, and we flew to Minneapolis for a shopping trip at the Mall of America! We took a few other trips to Dallas and San Antonio, and then with grandpa’s health decided to stay closer to home. Now grandma is in a nursing home with Alzheimer’s, and we’ve decided to continue the tradition without her, because we know that she and grandpa would want us too! Over the years, we’ve had a great time getting together and staying up late chatting, and shopping till we drop! I LOVE that tradition grandma started and the memories that we have, and look forward to many more girl trips in the future!

After arriving home, I’ve decided that the girls are going to want me to go away every weekend! They loved spending time with daddy..Parker loves to eat out which is what she got this weekend, her favorites…pizza for dinner, breakfast at Jeanie’s, Barnards’, McDonalds and a train set…yes a train set…At the first mention that she wanted a train set Chris got VERY excited! We made her earn it by helping us around the house, and Chris told her that since we was so good at breakfast, that they would get the train set, so they headed out for Toys R Us and picked it out!
All in all it was a great weekend for all!