Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Weekend Fun

Ok, so this is a couple of days behind, but we had a fun weekend. Chris and Parker took advantage of the beautiful weather and slept outside in a tent. Parker thought it was so fun...it took her two hours to fall asleep, but she finally did. Chris and I stayed outside and chatted until it was time to go to sleep.

Parker then had a princess birthday party to go to for her friend Madeline. The mom's decided last minute ( I wasn't one of them, but I obliged) to dress up in "princess" outfits too. I found an old bridesmaid dress and threw it on for fun. Parker thought it was great that we were both dressing up as "princesses".

We're getting ready for a family vacation. I'll post pictures when we get back!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It's Gone

It is with very mixed emotions and tears that I say that we FINALLY sold my car. I have been praying that God would bring us a buyer for this car for so long, that I didn’t anticipate such sadness to hear my husband call me with such excitement in his voice to tell me that it’s gone……I know he didn’t anticipate my shock and disbelief and sadness in my voice…it’s gone….I didn’t get to “say goodbye” I didn’t get to drive it one last time…it’s gone…and I’m sad….really sad…I had planned this great blog post with pictures of the 3 cars that I owned…instead I’m pictureless, since I didn’t take the time to take a picture of me with this car in the 2 months that we’ve been trying to sell it. The finality of selling the car is just that…final…it was the last piece of the life I knew being able to drive, and it’s gone……it’s done and official that I am no longer driving my car. Even though this has been the case months ago it finally feels final…Did I mention I'm sad?....I hope I enjoy my new kitchen floors when they get installed as much as I enjoyed the freedom of being able to drive..Life sucks sometimes…..but I guess that is the tradeoff…car vs. new kitchen floors…

Friday, August 7, 2009

Swim Lessons

Parker is doing really well with the private swim lessons she's been taking. On Tuesday I was SO Excited for her as I got to watch her jump off the diving board for the 1st time!! She did it twice, and was not intimidated at all! I couldn't believe my eyes, and was so thankful that I got to be there to watch it and she was so proud of herself. We couldn't wait to tell daddy when it was all over. On Thursday daddy wanted to come watch and see for himself. The weather was a bit cooler, and nerves must have settled in...as she only jumped once off of the board this time, and the rest were off the side in the deep end to the instructor. She still did great, and we are so proud of her. Grandma was there to witness it as well. Parker can now swim on her back by herself, and can do pretty well on her front too but still needs a bit more practice! We have one more lesson for the season, and then we're done. Hopefully she'll retain it all next summer.