Monday, January 25, 2010

This and That..

This weekend was another "no boys allowed" weekend, as Chris was out of town hunting.  We passed the time with a playdate on Saturday morning.  We had Greer and Madeline over and the girls had a blast!!  They were so funny to watch and listen too.  They each would say something and then giggle, and take turns saying something or doing something that was funny in their eyes, and then just laughed, and laughed.  It was too cute!  Part of the conversation was about'd think it was a room full of boys, and the other conversation was a "watch this" and giggle!!

Greer, Madeline and Parker

The giggles are on!!

We also made cookies again to help pass the time.  The girls always enjoy cookies, and the process it takes to make them.  I also love the process, as it turns out to be a weekend ordeal to get it all done.  Make the cookie dough on Friday night, roll them out and bake on Saturday morning, and then frost them on Sunday.  It works out perfect, and they always enjoy the reward of eating them for snacks!

Parker taste testing the frosting..

We just finished putting the sprinkles on!!

We hadn't ventured out at all on Sunday, so Parker decided we needed to go for a walk.  Realizing it was quite windy, and cool, we made it a short walk, but the girls insisted playing outside in the backyard.  They enjoyed the fresh air, and I enjoyed watching and taking pictures from inside!  Daddy came home late Sunday afternoon, and the girls were so excited to see him.  We always enjoy our girls only weekend, but are thrilled when daddy comes home!

You can't tell in this photo, but Brecken is finishing up her cookie, and shaking her bottom to the music that is playing from Parker's was too cute!

Parker enjoying her new barbie that she got for her birthday!

Brecken just waking up from her nap

Brecken enjoying the fresh air outside

Tomorrow night is dad's carnival night at school, so hopefully we'll get some fun pictures from that!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Saturday was Hump Day!!

We are in the process of trying to update our kitchen and dining room a little.  Not a major overhaul just yet, but new floors will make a huge impact to tide us over for a while before getting to the cabinets and countertops.  Saturday was the big day to fix the slight hump that existed in the middle of our kitchen floor.  What's a little funny about our "hump", is that others with the same house plan that we do in our neighborhood also have this hump issue, so it obviously has something to do with the design of the kitchen...Anyway, Chris' Uncle Steve came over bright and early on Saturday morning, and they worked all day to get rid of the hump, so that we can move forward and lay the floors!  I'm so excited to be able to move forward with this project.  The walls have been stripped of the wallpaper, and everything has been painted, so this is the next step.  Here's a look at Chris' progress this weekend.  While he worked on the house, the girls and I stayed away and spent the day with Nana and Papa.  

The before shot...

Here's a look at the floor right before I headed out of the house...It is my understanding the hole got much much bigger, and a whole lot messier!

A sneek peak at our new floors

Brecken so excited about her new Valentines shirt from Nana and Papa

Brecken snuggling with Papa

Brecken and Parker enjoying time with Papa

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


It's been a very busy few weeks. I was off work between Christmas and New Years to stay home with the girls as they didn't have daycare. We had a great week home together and enjoyed relaxing between all the festivities! It's always a whirlwind of a week, celebrating Jesus' birthday, and then switching gears and celebrating Parker's birthday! My first baby is now 4! She is so excited about being four years old, and with it has started rolling her eyes a bit, and letting out a sigh here and there while talking. Someone said to me "I wonder where she gets it from"..I didn't realize I do that, but apparently I do..I guess I have only myself to blame, and obviously something I need to work on myself:) I've attached a few photos from the previous couple of weeks to get a glimpse of what we've been up to. Both girls are back in "school" as of Monday. Brecken started at Jacob's and is doing great so far. She didn't nap at all the first day, and then yesterday was so exhausted and tired and upset after having a visit from her sister she was out. Apparently she enjoyed seeing Parker, but didn't like it when she left..go figure! We're all getting back into a routine, and are looking forward to a great year in 2010!

The girls playing in Brecken's room together!

Parker's birthday dinner with grandma and grandpa Rick.  She's officially 4, and requested Mac & Cheese and hotdogs for dinner, but not mommy's kind..the kind from a box!

Parker's pink guitar from Papa and Nana for her birthday.

The birthday party group at Pump it Up

Brecken's new pink tricycle for Christmas from grandpa and grandma Nancy

Parker's favorite birthday gifts, a guitar and microphone!  She's quite the entertainer now!