Wednesday, January 6, 2010


It's been a very busy few weeks. I was off work between Christmas and New Years to stay home with the girls as they didn't have daycare. We had a great week home together and enjoyed relaxing between all the festivities! It's always a whirlwind of a week, celebrating Jesus' birthday, and then switching gears and celebrating Parker's birthday! My first baby is now 4! She is so excited about being four years old, and with it has started rolling her eyes a bit, and letting out a sigh here and there while talking. Someone said to me "I wonder where she gets it from"..I didn't realize I do that, but apparently I do..I guess I have only myself to blame, and obviously something I need to work on myself:) I've attached a few photos from the previous couple of weeks to get a glimpse of what we've been up to. Both girls are back in "school" as of Monday. Brecken started at Jacob's and is doing great so far. She didn't nap at all the first day, and then yesterday was so exhausted and tired and upset after having a visit from her sister she was out. Apparently she enjoyed seeing Parker, but didn't like it when she left..go figure! We're all getting back into a routine, and are looking forward to a great year in 2010!

The girls playing in Brecken's room together!

Parker's birthday dinner with grandma and grandpa Rick.  She's officially 4, and requested Mac & Cheese and hotdogs for dinner, but not mommy's kind..the kind from a box!

Parker's pink guitar from Papa and Nana for her birthday.

The birthday party group at Pump it Up

Brecken's new pink tricycle for Christmas from grandpa and grandma Nancy

Parker's favorite birthday gifts, a guitar and microphone!  She's quite the entertainer now!

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