Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Vacation is Over

Well....the newness of my new "job" has worn off..I'm not complaining, I feel like we've settled into a new routine only to have it be jostled in the next month, but hey, that's the way it goes right.  My mom asked me recently "if I liked staying home with the girls?"  I don't hate it..and I don't miss working, so I guess I like staying home, and I'm guessing that my decision was the right one, even though it was a hard decision to make.  I do miss everyone that I worked with, and I miss the adult conversations and contact with other "grown-ups".  I think that's been my hardest adjustment..I was worried that I wouldn't have interesting things to talk about with Chris, and I still have those concerns..when I'm not able to get out and about, I don't know what's going on, so I feel a little left out..I personally still have some adjusting to do, and far as my attitude, and boldness in asking others for help, are biggies for me right now...I'm starting to feel stuck at home a little, which I knew was a very high possibility of feeling this way..Part of it is Parker was sick off and on last week, which followed a weekend of home activities, and visitors, so we were more home bound than usual, so by the end of the week, I was ready for some adult, out of the house contact..Chris was planning on taking Parker to a birthday party by himself but when the mom let me know that Brecken could come too, I jumped at the chance to get out of the house..It certainly makes me appreciate my Monday night bible study group, and the opportunity to socialize and get out..I really need that right now...
Anyway, the girls are still doing swimming lessons, we've made a trip to the park a few times, and we head to the mall, and Target just to get out.

I thought this summer would be more structured, but it has worked out great to have the flexibility and freedom to do what we want, when we want it.

I've also learned that staying home is much easier than I thought it would be and that I didn't give myself enough credit that I could do this and be ok...

I'm realizing now that I need to put forth more effort into my relationship with Chris....we're not in a bad place by any means, but it is a subtle nudge in my soul that something needs to change... before we were both so busy with work, and then rushing home to be with the girls, and getting them to bed, that we just fell into a routine that worked for us...now that I'm home, and I see the girls all day, every day, I've noticed that I don't put forth the effort that I should...I can keep the house clean, and the girls fed and dinner on the table but I need to do more to nurture our relationship..

I've learned that flip flops are not an appropriate walking shoe...my feet are killing me, and I had to make the hard decision to spend birthday money on a not so cute new pair of summer walking shoes, instead of a new pair of jeans this fall..

I've also learned that you still can take naps while the kids are napping, cause they still wear you out even though they are 2 and 4 and sleeping through the night, and even if its only for 30 minutes it rejuvenates the body!

It's not all that I thought it would be, but I do love the constant hugs and kisses from the girls, and the sweet notions of watching out for me, and the "I love yous" and the little things that I would have totally missed out on otherwise..so the vacation is over, I still have a lot to learn, adjustments are a constant thing, but I'm still grateful for this opportunity~

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are still liking it. And, I would totally agree with you that Nick and I also need to do better to find time just for the two of us better. Since we are living in TX and away from family to babysit for us, it just seems hard right now. So, know that you are not alone, and if you come up with some fantastic ideas for you and Chris, you'll have to do a blog post about it so we can all get ideas on how to nurture the relationship with our own husbands!
