Thursday, September 15, 2011


For those that know Brecken well, you know that she LOVES to wear her dancing clothes, and "practice" her dancing for you.  She does this on a daily basis.  She has a few different "dancing outfits" that she rotates, sometimes multiple times a day.  She takes them with her to grandma's and insisted on Nana getting one for her house, which she puts on each and every time she goes over.

What can I say, this girl LOVES dancing!

Which is why I finally signed her up for dance classes. She started today, and was so excited!  I think she's gonna love this too.  I'm so excited, she's excited!

Brecken with her teacher Mrs. Kelcy


  1. Where is she taking dance at? I tried to find a class that worked with our schedule this year, but it's been hard.

  2. So cute Brooke! She will love all the costumes to come...! :)
