Thursday, December 22, 2011

Long Overdue

This will be the huge catch up post...with pictures that is!  It's not that we haven't been busy, and have had a lack of things to post about...I just haven't taken the time to update.  Since Thanksgiving we've hosted a surprise birthday party for Chris' mom, attended Christmas programs for the girls, made gingerbread houses, traveled to KC to celebrate Christmas with family all while getting ready for Christmas at home!  Whew.  Downloading all the pictures made me realize what a slacker I've been during this busy season.  At least I took pictures of most of it!  We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!

The Girls helping to decorate the tree..

The girls decorating Christmas Cookies!

Heading to make gingerbread houses with Grandma! 

Parker's Christmas program at school. 

This is her entire school on stage K-12

 Margaret's Surprise Birthday Party

 Uncle Brian claiming to be the original "b" in the family!

 Brecken's Christmas program...her classmates as the Shepards!

The girls with's the best picture I got! 

We still have a Christmas program to go at Church on Christmas Eve.  The girls will be Angels in the program this year.  We'll celebrate at my parent's and then be home with no where to go on Christmas!  Next week the craziness comes back with Parker's 6th Birthday and getting to spend some time with daddy at home! 

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