Monday, April 27, 2009

A Great Start To A Rained Out Weekend

We had a great weekend of lots of outdoor time and riding bikes.

Brecken LOVED to ride her scooter bike, but mostly enjoyed riding it going backwards...she got the most momentum that way.

Here's Parker riding her bike with training wheels! After a few laps around the block, she was really getting the hang of it!

Here is daddy helping just a little bit in guiding her....

And here he is with no hands!!

Brecken has turned into quite the climber...she loves to get onto anything and stand up, even in places she's not supposed too...I just thought this was pretty cute of her trying!

Parker and my nephew Evan had so much fun playing in Nana and Papa's fountian last night! It had rained a ton in the late afternoon, but they LOVED playing outside, and the water didn't bother them one bit! Parker was SOAKED by dinner time!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun weekend! Katie and I are coming to town for a week and a half. We will get in on Saturday! Wanna play?!?!
