Friday, May 22, 2009

Random Story

This is so very random, but I had to share, because it is such a neat way of how God works in our lives! So, like most women out there, I have to have my eyebrows plucked, If I could see well enough, I would do it myself, but I don't, so I go to a lady named Tonia. Since I quit driving, getting there has been a challenge, so I decided I would let my hair lady do it at the same time I have my hair done...well tomorrow was supposed to be my hair appt. but it's ended up being a really busy day, and as it turns out, I don't need it done yet. (yea for me, as I can save a bit of money!) So this week, I was trying to figure out how to get over to Tonia..the girls here at work have been giving me a hard time and letting me know it's time...(I told you this is a random story)..Then out of the blue, I received a phone call from a girlfriend of mine asking me if I still go to Tonia, and if I wanted her to schedule a time for me, and she would pick me up, we could both have them done, and have lunch at a fun restaurant near random is that! I hung up the phone and immediately thanked God for helping me out! Cool Huh! Now it's going to be our monthly lunch get together! Thank you SO MUCH Amiee!

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend.

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