Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Our New Normal

Lately I’ve had several people ask me how things are going….I would be lying if I said everything is perfect….Most days are great though, but I DO have moments where I have a pity party for myself…I’m human right…I’ve had a few of those days in the last month or so, because you know what…it does completely suck that I can’t drive anymore….I do miss driving, and I have secretly thought about taking the car out although I haven’t done it, I promise! Chris and I are talking more about selling the car, which I’m in complete agreement on, but I know that day will be hard. This past weekend we were able to put the car seats in my mom’s 2-door convertible, and we’re going to try that for a while to make sure it works and everyone is comfortable. I’ll post a picture of the girls in it soon, as they LOVE going in Nana’s car! I have a Dr’s appointment next Friday, which shouldn’t be too eventful, but I do have more questions for the new dr. so I’m anxious to meet with him again. All in all we’ve settled in to our new normal, and I can’t complain because it has gone really smoothly!

1 comment:

  1. You are doing an awesome job of being both honest and hopeful during this season of life. Blessings on your upcoming appointment! Let us know how everything goes when you have a chance! :)
