Thursday, June 17, 2010

Swim Lessons and Visits

These last two weeks have been filled with swimming lessons in the morning for both girls, and they are doing great.  Brecken is mostly getting introduced to the water and becoming more comfortable with it.  She loves the water so there is no real issue there.  She doesn't cry at all which some of the kiddos do in her group, and she's doing much better than Parker did at this age.

Here she is goofing off, while it's someone else's turn
Parker is doing awesome in her lessons.  She's the smallest in her group but keeps up pretty good with the rest of them.  She can now bob up and down, pick a toy up from the bottom of the pool, with a little assistance pushing her down, and the most fun part is discovering that she can touch the bottom of the shallow end with her toes, and keep her head above water.  Her favorite part about swimming lessons is the "choo choo" train they do with the swim noodles, and getting to jump off the diving board, which they started doing yesterday.  I think by the end of the summer she will hopefully be able to move on up to the next level! 

We also had a fun visit this week from Grandpa Craig and Grandma Nancy!  The girls LOVED seeing them and playing with them yesterday, and mom loved the break from cooking dinner, and getting to eat out with them and Aunt Patty and Uncle Don!   Yesterday Parker got to play in the basement during quiet time, and they wore her out.  I went down about 15 minutes later to get Parker to play a computer game she had been requesting, and I found her sound asleep.  We're on an every other day nap schedule, and she obviously decided that she was tired enough, that she found a comfy spot and took a little rest.  It was too cute.  She finally got up at around 5.  So much for the pool yesterday afternoon...I love the lazy days of summer that don't require too much structure, and the ability to go with the flow!

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